
import R from 'ramda';
import webdriver from 'selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver';
import {Condition} from './condition';
import {ElementUtil} from './element-util';

 * Waits till condition will be met, otherwise error will be thrown after a defined time.
 * It's useful to use as browser requires some time to render a new elements and some waiting is
 * expected to met a certain condition.
 * Expects that global variable *defaultExpectationTimeout* will be defined otherwise default value as
 * 10000 (10 s) will be used instead.
export class WaitCondition {
     * Waiting until an attribute value starts containing an expected value.
     * @param selector
     * @param attrName
     * @param value
    static attributeContainsValue(selector, attrName, value) {
        const cond = (actualValue) => R.gt(actualValue.indexOf(value), -1);
        const condition = Condition.attributeCondition(attrName, cond);
        return WaitCondition.check('for checkbox is selected', condition, selector);

     * Waiting until an attribute value starts being equal to an expected value.
     * @param selector
     * @param attrName
     * @param value
    static attributeEquals(selector, attrName, value) {
        const cond = (actualValue) => R.equals(R.trim(actualValue), R.trim(value));
        const condition = Condition.attributeCondition(attrName, cond);
        return WaitCondition.check('for checkbox is selected', condition, selector);

     * Checks a custom condition for a certain element.
     * @param message
     * @param condition
     * @param selector
    static async check(message, condition, selector) {
        const finder = () => ElementUtil.elementFinder(selector);
        const errorMessage = `${message}. Selector: ${finder().locator()}`;
        const cond = await new webdriver.Condition(errorMessage, async () => condition(finder()));
        return browser.wait(cond, global.defaultExpectationTimeout || 10000);

     * Waiting that checkbox will be selected/unselected.
     * @param selector
     * @param checked
    static async checkboxChecked(selector, checked) {
        const condition = Condition.checkboxChecked(checked);
        return WaitCondition.check('for checkbox is selected', condition, selector);

     * Waiting for a certain amount of elements.
     * @param selector
     * @param expectedCount
    static count(selector, expectedCount) {
        const condition = Condition.count(selector, expectedCount);
        return WaitCondition.check(`for element's count to be '${expectedCount}'`, condition);

     * Waiting for a disabled element.
     * @param selector
    static disabled(selector) {
        return WaitCondition.check('For element to be disabled', Condition.not(Condition.enabled), selector);

     * Waiting for a displayed element.
     * @param selector
    static displayed(selector) {
        return WaitCondition.check('For element to be displayed', Condition.displayed, selector);

     * Waiting for an enabled element.
     * @param selector
    static enabled(selector) {
        return WaitCondition.check('For element to be enabled', Condition.enabled, selector);

     * Waiting for not displayed element. It means that it can be in DOM but not visible.
     * @param selector
    static notDisplayed(selector) {
        const condition = Condition.not(Condition.displayed);
        return WaitCondition.check('For element to be displayed', condition, selector);

     * Waiting for not present element. It means that it is not present in DOM.
     * @param selector
    static notPresent(selector) {
        const condition = Condition.not(Condition.present);
        return WaitCondition.check('For element to be absent', condition, selector);

     * Waiting for present element. It means that it has to be present in DOM.
     * @param selector
    static present(selector) {
        return WaitCondition.check('For element to be present', Condition.present, selector);

     * Checks that element containing a specified text is present.
     * @param selector
     * @param expectedText
    static presentWithText(selector, expectedText) {
        const foundElement = element.all(By.css(selector))
            .filter((elem) =>
                    .then((actualText) => R.equals(actualText, expectedText)))
        const msg = `For element having text ${expectedText} to be present`;
        return WaitCondition.check(msg, Condition.present, foundElement);

     * Waiting for element contains a certain text chunk.
     * @param selector
     * @param text
    static textContains(selector, text) {
        const condition = Condition.textContains(text);
        return WaitCondition.check(`
    's text to contain '${text}
    '`, condition, selector);

     * Waiting for element has a certain text.
     * @param selector
     * @param text
    static textEquals(selector, text) {
        const condition = Condition.textEquals(text);
        return WaitCondition.check(`for element's text to be '${text}'`, condition, selector);